
Clandestine zine

 1. Can you describe the sound of your last album RETURN TO ABANDONED and
Please tell us some details of it . I mean : process of recording – art work – line –up – lyrics etc… .

On our latest album “Return To Abandoned” we tried to mix the sound and the atmosphere of our early recordings with melancholy and spirit of our third album “Mysticism” so I think this latest record be interested both to lovers of our first albums and our last one.  
All leads and major part of rhythm guitars was recorded by our new guitar player Warth who entered KHORS in summer of 2009. He also brought big contribution to the song’s arrangements together with Saturious, session keyboardist on our albums.
Both musical and lyrical concept in his foundation was created under influence of our ancestor’s faith as well as under of Scandinavian mythology in some part. We are satisfied in full with the sound quality, visual constituent and the edition of CD. I think it is the most successful release of ours throughout for a moment.   

2. Can you describe the difference or evolution beetwen your albums ?

The first album “The Flame of Eternity’s Decline” turned out the most malicious and firstborn. Power and melodies are harmonically combined there in. On the second album “Cold” we decreased tempo a little bit, more melodic songs there in and importance of keyboards and lead guitar increased a lot. On “Mysticism”, the third album we created original atmosphere having included big amount of ambient sections, acoustic guitars and some keyboards and vocal effects.     
As I told before I consider the new album as the most successful release of ours throughout. It turned out well balanced both in musical and spiritual ways.

3. How was the atmosfhere of this recording , I mean it was a tense atmosphere ?
Nothing seemed special and I can’t note there was tense atmosphere. We just did our work how it usually occurs in studio conditions.

4. With who ??big bands ?? are you played in UKRANIA ?

We played together with SAMAEL, BEHEMOTH, MOONSPELL, GORGOROTH, CYNIC and together with ISOLE during Winter Funeral fest in Moscow, Russia
5. Are you ready for a FULL EUROPEAN TOUR ?

Yes we are ready for tours and not only for European ones. We have got some shows scheduled for this year supporting our new record. We also have some plans to play in Europe but it will depend on financial possibilities of promoters from there.  

6. Why you decided to sing a deal with PARAGON RECORDS

We cooperate with Paragon Records since 2008 as we signed a contract for issue of our “Mysticism” album. For that moment their proposal was the very best one among those we have got. There were also other proposals from Europe and America but they conceded in some points to those of Paragon Records.  

a. For how many L.P s did you singed ?

We didn’t sign any kind of long term contracts initially and we stay in confidential relations with label. As we will record our next album we’ll think about new publisher to release it.

b. Is a good deal ?

I can definitely note that we’re satisfied in full with our cooperation with label and we have no any claims. PR company and distribution are well adjusted for such not big label.

c. What are your expectations ?

We hope that works of our label will help to secure our positions in modern musical world much stronger.

7. What are the main reason or problem that  HELG and NORT  aren’t  anymore

Helg was compelled to leave the band due to being busy with his family. We parted with Nort due to musical reasons. With both of guys we stayed friends and we still often meet each other and they’ll always be a part of KHORS spiritually.

8. How JURGIS came to the band?
- How do you knew him ?
- What can you tell us about him?
Yes we knew Jurgis before he entered KHORS. He plays in one band together with our lead guitarist Warth namely FACES OF DEATH. They’re perfectly co-ordinated and that’s the main reason of our choice. While Jurgis is in KHORS he proved to be a good replacement of Helg.

9. Satorious acompanying you in lives shows too? Or is just a session recording member?

Saturious is our old friend and he helps us a lot with the recordings of our albums and we hope the things will go this way further. We use keyboards on our live shows but they sound with samples from our special equipment.  

10. What can you tell to ours readers about your city  KHARKIV? Is a good place to live ?  .  are you agree with the place where you live ?

Kharkov has been based in 1654 as regimental town-stronghold. Since XVII it’s developing as administrative trade and cultural center of Slobodskaya Ukrainian provinces.
Since XX it’s known as massive railway junction that links varied corners of Russian empire. After Revolution of 1917 Kharkov became a capital of Ukraine for a while. In the sequel it’s developing as industrial center in general.   
In musical world it’s known by its strong black metal scene. Per se we can note without modesty that Ukraine became known in musical world just thanks of that scene.
Sure we love our city, we feel proud of its history and we’re obliged to destiny that we are born and live in Kharkov.  

- Are you proud nacionalist of your mother land ?
I think that in this context we can and we must speak about strong patriotism.

- What  identifies  you with your land and your people ?

First we’re proud to be Ukrainians! We are proud of our Land, proud of our Nation ancestors of which tender with care and with fortitude to their destiny and destiny of their Motherland.

-  How is the relationship beetwen others bands from UKRANIAN scene ?

There are a lot of metal bands in Ukraine. We know and played together with many of them but we are good and old friends especially with the guys of NOKTURNAL MORTUM, DRUDKH, DUB BUK and REUSMARKT.

-  Do you  have  a  idea  how?? METAL?? can to be and What were the pionners bands from  your country ?

I don’t think one can speak about pioneers of metal from our country. Metal music was born so far from Ukraine and much earlier than it became popular and legal here)))

11. Why did you continue forming part of  ASTROFAES ?

There were many reasons of doing that both musical and personal. In 2004 the time has come for me and for Thurios to move in opposite directions.  

12. What do you know about our CHILE  and SUD AMEARICA underground scene ?

Unfortunately we don’t know so many about Chile and Sud America underground scene. Your country is known mostly thanks to controversial reign of Pinochet. As for musical bands I can note POEMA ARCANUS and MAR DE GRISES. The last are favorites of our drummer Khaoth.
13. Future plans?

This current year will be mainly devoted to live shows. When it is free time we’ll work upon our new stuff.
14.    some  to  add ?  

Thanks for your questions! This is the first interview from us from Chile and it’s interesting and nice! Thanks again!
Be sincere and honest! Love your Motherland and your family!

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