
Celebrating Ukraine Unification Day with the new single


Following the ways of blood through centuries went the sons of Ukraine land clutching morgensterns, sabers and rifles in their calloused hands. Armed hard with the idea of unity they were moving through treat of deceit against those wishing to enjoy captured. And blood flowed the river from Bukovina to Sloboda lands bonding the dream of happy sovereign unity of our people. Probably a lot more of the best sons of Ukraine will die for the implementation of this age-old dream...

96 years ago, we, Ukrainians believe that now is a great time of eternal unity.

«Henceforth there’s united and independence Ukrainian People’s Republic. Henceforth Ukrainian people released with the powerful gust of their own forces has the chance to build the infrangible independence Ukrainian state with the united friendly efforts of all its sons for the weal and happiness for all its people».   

January 22, 1919 in Kyiv

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