
Intrview to AOL Noisecreep

1. When did you write "Sacrament of Buyan"?

The main riffs and harmonies was written by Helg in summer of 2009. In autumn the same year we made the song just as it is.

2. What is the song about?

The lyric's about ancient slavonic island Buyan which keeps the secrets and legends of our ancestors.

3. Do you have any strange or funny stories about writing or recording the song?

Can't remember anything interesting regarding this song but the one I can note that my bass permanently went out of tune but it was during whole record actually.

4. How has the band changed since Jurgis joined?

We've got much harmonious guitar section because of Jurgis and Warth played in one band together before KHORS so they feel one each other very well.

5. Why did Nort leave the band and how did you find Warth?

It was so called musical reasons between us and Nort so we had no any quarrels and we are good friends still. Warth contacted us first then came to rehearsal. So we've got great lead guitarist and good arranger in one face.

6. Is Helg still in the band? If not, why did he leave?

Helg left the band in autumn this year because of his family circumstances which don't let him opportunity to be fully in the band. So he decided to be concentrated on his projects YGG and ULVEGR.

7. Do you have any plans to tour the U.S.?

Yes, we'd like to have American tour and it would be just an amazing trip. Hope the time will come when we became much more popular in your country ans there would be a promoter interesting in to make a tour for us.

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