
DeadShop / Antichrist zine Re-issue "The Flame/Cold"

KHORS “The Flame Of Eternity’s Decline” / “Cold” 2010 DoubleCD
Paragon Records
Huh, this hard issue is pretty good for fans of Ukrainian Pagan black
metal, as well as for those who didn’t bought these two first albums
when they were released. Here is two first albums of this famous
Ukrainian Pagan black metal band, which were released back on 2005 and
2006 as separated releases of course. US edition have great
informative booklet and slipcase for the CD. On these albums KHORS
just proved that they are ready to walk around world wide, as their
music is not somehting like childish plays but intillegent, mature
Pagan black metal. Made with great passion and total worshiping to
ancient ideas into the music. Thus these CDs contains memorable,
pressing yet atmospheric black metal, based on Slavonic moods. Both
albums have good sound quality and musicianship. Music is really cold
and deep in its structure. This is not just next Pagan BM album, but
this one is for many listenings and under various moods. For me, these
albums sounds just like some old albums of Norge bands, with same
moods and even sound execution in some aspects. Both hatred and
melancholic parts crossing with massive black metal parts, both
marching and devastating, with twisted guitar solos and those
excellent dark melancholic, even sometimes epic tunes! Getting this
release you’ll got two albums, bonuses and video! As I remember their
new album not suounds like these, so for me, the best KHORS’ albums
are these ones, which will be always hailed by fans! Awesome music and

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