
Metallian Magazine

 1. During the year 2004, you decided to leave the Astofaes camp to form the Khors project : what were the reasons for this departure ? Was this new birth followed by new artistic aspirations ?

The reason of my leaving of ASTROFAES lies in absence of mutual understanding regarding further evolution of ASTROFAES band between me and Thurios (guitar/vocs) as well as deterioration of attitudes in the whole.
I would like to play another kind of music more atmospheric, melodic with lot of guitar solos and keyboards.

2. The name Khors refers to the Slavic god of the winter sun. Why did you elect this specific deity as a banner for the band ? More generally speaking, which are the aspects / episodes of the Slav mythology & divinities that appeal to your senses ?

KHORS is a name of the God of a Solar Disk in late East Slavic mythology. Solar light was the most important creator of life for our ancestors. It is very important symbol for us too.
We don't stop on certain moments in history but we scoop inspiration from the general layer of Ancient Slavic Culture which have sprouted through darkness of the Middle Ages up to our times.

3. A third album is often synonymous with an acquired maturity, a stronger personality, some kind of consecration before setting new goals and achievements. How would you evaluate the three first steps of Khors©ö expression, the pagan trilogy formed by The Flame Of Eternity©ös Decline (2005), Cold (2006) and Mysticism (2008) ?

"The Flame..." is the most aggressive work of ours. Powerful but melodic enough. This album helped us to become on feet and it's allowed us to attract attention.
"Cold" is more rhythmical, melancholic and more various in it's mood. On this album we become more melodic and mid-tempo
"Mysticism" is atmospheric and beautiful and it also separates us from canons of traditional black metal further. Actually we call it dark metal to expand music frameworks. The new more hardworking label, new better sound, new fans. Progress is obvious in our opinion, but it's up to you to judge.

4. Among your pagan & melancholic black metal based compositions, one can feel an emphasis on the keyboard passages. What kind of dimensions/atmospheres do you aim to express through those eerie soundscapes ?

Keyboards is obligatory component of our music, they are something like soul of KHORS. Soul which in the various moments can transfer a condition of grief, mysteriousness, beauty and many other feelings

5. Do you think that Khors©ö creations are a medium to express a deep spiritual quest ? Do you aim for the preservation of the cultural heritage belonging to Ukraine, your homeland, & the return of the associated ancestral values ?

Our Native Land has very rich with glory and its people's feats history. From ancient times till near past. I feel proud of that I live on the Earth impregnated with force, will and ancient spirit of our ancestors. It is very important to have your history, to know your history, to bring up ancient spirit in ourselves and our descendants

6. Last year saw the release of Khors©ö first DVD, "Cold Ways", which featured one show in Lugansk (Ukraine — 2007) plus one in Moscow (Russia — 2008). Do you plan to release a continuation to this first part ? Have you yet thought of making a video clip to illustrate one of the tracks featured on « Mysticism » ?

I can't say nothing defined about new live DVD now. Almost on each show we make live video so when we'll have good quality record with new songs then probably we'll make something like "Cold Ways".
As for video for any track from "Mysticism" we'll working on it now and I hope video clip for "Red Mirrors" song soon will be out. You may check trailer here:...

7. From an aesthetic point of view, could you explain the meaning behind the scene depicted on the album cover, with the illustration of the eye reflecting the image of an ancient castle?

The eye of an animal which you see on CD cover, has no which value, it is only image. In the pupil of the eye reflects the fragment of ancient fortress. Animal’s eye associated with the nature as with eternal unrestrained power to which dependent even stone made construction. All this has it's own meaning to each and every person. Probably it's different individually.

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